Alumnus Success: Putri Nurhayati, Indonesia

15 Mar 2022

What was the highlight of your experience living in Queensland?

Brisbane will always be my second home. I love the city. It is vibrant and it is not as crowded as Sydney or Melbourne. Perfect place for students where you can balance personal and school life!
How has your experience in Queensland helped you with your career?

I am definitely more fluent in English compared to my peers in Indonesia! In addition, graduating from an overseas university has increased my confidence level, opened my network and sharpened my mindset.

Did you work or undertake projects with employers or industry groups during your studies? If yes, how did this experience benefit your career? 

Unfortunately, I did not work in any industry during my studies.
Can you share your student journey (why did you decide to study what you studied and why did you decide to study in Queensland)?

The reason I went to UQ was because my local university (the University of Indonesia) had a dual degree program with them. It was a 4 year program (2 years in Indonesia and 2 years in Australia) and graduated with a degree from both universities. It was a very good program and definitely cheaper compared to going to Australia from foundation [years]. There were a couple of options - you could choose Psychology, Economy, IT, and Engineering. I’ve always had a fond interest in people therefore I chose psychology as my major. Plus one of my grandmothers is a psychologist and she is kind of my role model - so it affected me in a way.
What career-advice would you give to give future students thinking about studying in Queensland?

Go for it! It will definitely change your life. Plus the alumni network is fantastic! I worked in London a couple of years ago and I met fellow UQ graduates who took me to UQ events in London! From Brisbane to London - who would have thought! 

What's the easiest way to develop a social-life in Queensland?

I had a close relationship with my Indonesian fellow students without doubt. To build an international network, join any association / club - it will definitely open your eyes!

What are you doing now in your career?

I am a HR (Human Resource) professional.
Why did you decide to work for (entrepreneur, in Queensland, MNC, social enterprise)?

I currently work in a multinational company named BP ( It is one of the largest International Energy Company in the world. The reason I joined with them is because I feel as an energy (was oil and gas) company, we are trying our best to develop local people and also care about the environment. Lots of community relations program and not only thinking about profit!
Can you share any ongoing ties to Queensland?

Currently I have no ongoing ties to Queensland - but again I always called Brisbane my second home. Two of my best friends live there and I’ve visited Brisbane a couple times since I graduated.

Anything else you would like to share about your experience as an international student.

It was one of the best times of my life and has shaped me to become who I am now.

Posted by: Study Queensland