Alumnus Success: Keny, China

05 May 2021

Keny Chen studied a Masters in Marketing at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 2014-15.

What are you doing now in your career?

I’m currently working as a Senior Media Planner at MediaCom, a 4A agency that belongs to the WPP Group in China.

How did you decide that Queensland was right for your career?

After receiving my Bachelors Degree (International Trade), I found my passion in marketing: a perfect combination of engagement, creative ideas and artistry.

Then I was looking at the world map and searching for a place that 1) I had never been to; 2) I or my family had no acquaintances; 3) can provide more than 1-year session; 4) offered reasonable living costs and school tuition. Australia was on my final list.

Then I did thorough research via consultation with agents, joining university road shows, and comparing business/marketing courses. Monash & QUT became the final options. When I consulted with QUT university staff on their official website, their patience and kindness won my heart.

What did you do straight out of university?

My first job after graduation was Marketing and Event Coordinator at an NGO called Australia China Alumni Association (ACAA). I was looking for a job that’s related to marketing and could offer me opportunities to learn and grow.  I got promoted to Marketing and Event Manager in one year and left ACAA after working full-time for 2+ years. 

ACAA was a great place to work and offered a lot of opportunities for me to apply my marketing knowledge in practice.

How has your experience in Queensland helped you with your career?

My experience in QLD helped me become more open-minded to embrace diversity not just in life but also at work. Respecting individual difference and finding your very own way to engage with people from all walks of life is a valuable skill. That’s what I’ve learnt from my experience in QLD and it really helped me to be adaptive in a multi-cultural working environment. 

What was the highlight of your experience living in Queensland?

Kindness, nice weather and diversity.

People are kind hearted in general and I love the weather in Brisbane. In addition, Brisbane is an inclusive city that allows a friendly environment for different cultures to thrive.

What career-advice would you give to give future students thinking about studying in Queensland?

1) Engage during lectures. Engage in conversations or discussions with your lecturer / tutor / classmates since they will: a) become part of your network; 2) offer information that may or may not relate to your major/career but can broaden your horizon with their personal experience/culture.

2) Sharpen your mind and don’t limit yourself with the student identity. If you haven’t worked before, find projects, internships or part-time jobs that will allow you to take a step from school to society. Try to apply your knowledge into practice. Gaining work experience may place you in a better position to start your career at a higher level when you complete your studies. 

What's the easiest way to develop a social-life in Queensland?

Make friends with people who may not share the same nationality with you and participate in events/activities that you’re interested in. 

Do not build your network only with people who come from your country. Make new friends. If they are new to Queensland then you can explore Queensland and even Australia together. If they are locals, then ask them to help you live the Australian lifestyle.

There are a lot of cultural events, festivals and seminars in Queensland you may find interesting to join. 

Live to the fullest while you have the chance to start a new journey away from your homeland.

Try something you may have been interested in but never dared to try.

Do you have any ongoing relationships with Queensland?

Yes. I’m still in close contact with my Australian homestay mother and roommate, and other friends who are still living in Brisbane. 

Follow Keny on LinkedIn here.

Posted by: Study Queensland